Tour of Lectures in universities of Mexico

On July 31, Dr. Carlos Bardavío gave a keynote address to numerous students of the career of Law and Criminology at the Central University of Querétaro. In this way Dr. Bardavío begins a lecture tour on his doctoral thesis "Cults in Criminal Law" by Mexican universities, which also includes the University of La Salle Bajío de León (Guanajuato) this Wednesday, August 9 at 5:00 pm, and at Universidad Del Valle, Coyoacan campus, Derecho, on August 10 at 6:30 p.m. You are invited.

tour conferencias

About Bardavío Abogados

The law firm Bardavío Abogados has been offering a comprehensive legal service for several years throughout the national territory thanks to the expertise of its partners, which allows a high legal performance with the consequent satisfaction of all its clients.